CAD/CAM Software

LibreCAD - Open Source 2D-CAD

LibreCAD is a free Open Source CAD application for Windows, Apple and Linux. Support and documentation are free from our large, dedicated community of users, contributors and developers. LibreCAD started as a project to build CAM capabilities into the community version of QCad for use with a Mechmate CNC router.


Chilipeppr represents a modern way to do CNC software control for the TinyG motion controller. The TinyG project is a multi-axis motion control system. It is designed for CNC applications and other applications that require highly precise motion control. TinyG is meant to be a complete embedded solution for small/medium motor control. Here are some of the main features of the v8 hardware.

OrCAD Lite 17.2-2016

OrCAD® provides an unbeatable mix of value, capability, and performance that engineering teams across the world rely on to help them meet their PCB design objectives, on-time and on-budget. OrCAD Lite provides free access to this production proven scalable PCB design technology for users of all types and budgets. The OrCAD® 17.2-2016 release introduced new capabilities that address challenges with flex and rigid-flex design as well as mixed-signal simulation complexities in IoT, wearables, and wireless mobile devices.Download OrCAD 17.2-2016 Lite today and experience the OrCAD advantage first-hand. Registration is required to install this software. Orcad Tutorial:

Candle - GRBL controller

GRBL controller application with G-Code visualizer written in Qt.


The LTpowerCAD® design tool is a complete power supply design tool program that can significantly ease the tasks of power supply design with many power products by Linear Technology, now part of Analog Devices Inc. Currently, most products in the LTpowerCAD tool are for non-isolated, switching mode power supplies. Unlike conventional simulation tools, the LTpowerCAD tool guides users throughout the full power supply design process: it searches suitable parts according to user’s supply specifications; it guides the user to design and optimize circuit component values with suggestions and warnings;